
The Real Face of Men’s Health: It’s time to rethink men’s health

It’s time to advocate for more action around men’s health

We all have partners, fathers, brothers, sons, and buddies that we love. When these men are well, the benefits ripple through relationships, families, and communities. But when these men are unwell and unsupported, we all feel it.

Too many men are dying too young, largely from preventable causes. Help-seeking can feel foreign, so many men kick the can down the road. When they do seek assistance, they often don’t get the support they need. And this puts enormous pressure on the families and communities who care for men.

It means we've got so many reasons to care about men's health. And it's why we must advocate for more public action to drive change.

Photo of middle-aged man in a living room, lovingly holding an infant.

"I hesitate to share my worries with a health care provider. If you just don't feel comfortable with that person, you might go, ‘actually, I'm not going to say that’. And sort of come away disappointed."

David, 47, living with depression

Photo of two young men hanging out at a skate park.

"I’m one to just try and put it off for as long as you can...but then making an appointment with the doctor is a stress in itself. l will only do it if I really have to."

Jack, 25, living with no health issues

Photo of solemn-looking man receiving serious news at a medical appointment while flanked by his wife.

Your experience matters

Sharing your story helps us show the full impacts of men's health - and helps create action to benefit us all.

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