Movember Workplace Ambassadors
Workplace AmbassadorsImage by: Movember
Movember Workplace Ambassadors
18 July 2021

Become a Movember Workplace Ambassador

2 minutes read time

Want to inspire fun, health, wellbeing and some friendly competition in your workplace?

We are planning another action-packed year at Movember and would love to invite you and your colleagues to become a Movember Workplace Ambassador.

As a Workplace Ambassador you will be an integral member of the Movember team, joining a global network of Mo Bros and Mo Sisters – whether it is growing, moving, hosting events or motivating your colleagues. You’ll be embarking on an empowering and fulfilling experience that will not only change others’ lives, but yours as well.

We’ll be hosting a live training event in September via Zoom exclusively for workplace ambassadors. You will learn all about Movember and our cause areas, gain tools and skills to help you with virtual and in-person event organising, workplace fundraising and how to run a kick-ass campaign.

Kicking off in October, you will start rounding up your colleagues to sign up and join your company's Movember movement for November 2021.

Here's what some previous participants had to say about it:

" ‘There are so many positives to being a Workplace Ambassador, I learned so much.' "

‘There are so many positives to being a Workplace Ambassador. I learned so much and got a chance to work closely with others who I wouldn't have had a chance to work with the past. Hearing why people take part in Movember was so moving.’

‘Great exposure within the company and to senior leadership’

‘It was simply amazing!!! Growing a Mo helped stay more connected with colleagues, it was ALWAYS a talking point before and after meetings and provided some light entertainment during LOTS of video calls!’

Think you have got what it takes to make an impact this Movember? Bring it on! To book a place at our training morning and get your ambassador pack, please fill out this form by Friday 3rd September.If you have any questions please get in touch with the team via