We thought we’d take a moment to let you know how we go about allocating the vital funds you raised over the 30 long nights and hairy days of Movember. It's also a good opportunity for us to tell you what's going on at Mo HQ for the rest of the year.
The Funds
Donations can be made at any time, but we close our financial year on April 30th for reporting purposes. It’s at this point in the year that we know exactly how much was raised from the previous year. In May, our auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), go through our accounts to check that everything is in order and as it should be. Once PwC has completed the audit, we are able to commit the funds to prostate cancer and testicular cancer programmes in Ireland.
As you'd expect, a lot of time, energy and thought goes into allocating the funds. We work very closely with our men’s health partners to ensure that the programmes we support meet our strategic goals. This is very much a collaborative process between our Irish team, our Irish men's health partners and our Global Scientific Committee to reach the final proposals. It’s at this time that we also allocate funds to programmes run directly by the Movember Foundation – for example our GAP and ASAP initiatives. Full details on all programmes can be found here.
Once all of the above is completed, the results will be published in our 2015 annual report which will be available online when the Movember website goes live with the new creative theme on 15th September 2015. If you’d like to check out annual reports from previous years click here.
Keep in touch
Movember is an intense month; you know, you were there. We’re loud for a whole month and demand a lot from all the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas who take part. That’s why for the rest of the year, we keep much quieter to allow you the chance to recover. It also gives us time to plan the next Movember. However, we’d like to keep in touch, to let you know what your money is doing, who it’s helping and how it’s making a real difference. We’ll be sendig a couple of emails throughout the year, just to keep you in the loop.
If you’d like more info, you can check the website for updates or e-mail us at info.ie@movember.com.

4 December 2014
Mo's, it’s been a crazy ride. You did yourselves proud. Thank you.
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