Mo's on parade
Let your fans see the goods. Head to your Mo Space, click on the small Mo in the picture frame on the right and upload pics of your glorious mug. People won't know you're growing if they can't see your furry progress.
Start as you mean to go on.
Donate to yourself to show others that you believe in the hairy movement and that your dedication to your hairy slug is without question. Nothing wrong with a bit of self-donation now and again, but it's always better when other people get involved.
Personalised Donation Cards
Business card lacking that normal pazazz? Get your custom Movember donation cards that have your name and Mo Space URL on them. Head to the downloads section on your Mo Space, download them, print them off, snip them out and pass them round. Easy.
Lose that loose change.
Help others lessen their load by putting a donation box where people often find themselves carrying a few spare coins: next to the vending machine, on the bar, down the back of the sofa (well, maybe not down the back, but close).
Auction off your naming rights.
Your Mo is looking solid (or certainly starting to) so it needs a name. Derek? Ivan? Stubbles Magee? Archimedes the 3rd? Hairy Styles? Hand this glorious power over to the highest bidder and proudly call it by its new name for all to hear.
Dress to thrill
Gala Partés are a perfect place to dress up and get down. Start a bidding war for your costume of choice and let your friends and family choose how you will dress to suit your Mo at an end of month shindig. If they're kind, it could be an awesome Magnum P.I. - if they're cruel, it could be a scantily clad wrestler.
Target setting
Set yourself a fundraising goal. Sounds easy, but something as simple as having a figure in mind or some goal posts to aim for will definitely help you push your fundraising to the next level. Start small and when you smash that one, aim higher - you could surprise yourself.