29 October 2014

A summary of one of the primary research programmes that we fund with the Irish Cancer Society.

Research Programme: IPCOR

“IPCOR will allow us to monitor and evaluate patient outcomes, together with their partners, carers and families, for the purpose of improving prostate cancer treatment and care for men diagnosed with prostate cancer” Dr Amanda Daly, Irish Cancer a Society Research Department.  

The aim of IPCOR is to improve the lives of those living with and beyond prostate cancer. To do this, the Irish Cancer Society are funding research being undertaken by Irish Prostate Cancer Outcomes Research, headed up by Mr David Galvin. They're effectively recording and reporting on outcomes of prostate cancer treatment and care in men all over Ireland. it is a national effort including 17 hospitals where the majority of the urologists are based in Ireland. They aim to improve the level of care for men by collecting information of all newly diagnosed prostate cancer cases in Ireland, building on already existing National Cancer Registry data. By doing this, the Irish Cancer Society are creating a better understanding of the best treatments that work in fighting prostate cancer.

Over a 5 years period, starting last year, they’ll capture clinical information on all men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Ireland. This study will collect additional information regarding diagnosis and treatment, but will continue to follow the patient, recording the results of their treatment. In addition, patients will contribute information on how well they are doing. They do this by completing questionnaires on their health and quality of life at various intervals throughout the study. This gives a rounded view of the effects of different treatments, where the research takes into account the emotional and mental toll that treatment can take on men dealing with the disease. This is organised through research partners at the Clinical Research facility at NUI Galway. This research will ultimately lead to improvements in care and survival by identifying factors which impact on the experience and survival of prostate cancer patients. In addition, they will be able to make comparisons across countries to determine how  patients fare relative to other healthcare systems.

An Irish Study

“The beauty of Ireland is that it is small enough to do a countrywide study where everybody treated for prostate cancer in the country will be part of this. This is the first time this has been done anywhere in the world for any cancer.” Dr Amanda Daly, Irish Cancer a Society Research Department.  

Ireland, with our relatively small population is ideal for a study like this. Even with this enhanced registery process of patients; no data identifying the patient, the hospital or the treating doctor will ever be released so that everyone involved can have complete confidentiality confidence in the project. The files will be stored on secure servers similar to servers in the National Cancer registry in Cork where similar information has been stored for many years. If you have any questions regarding the project do not hesitate to contact us by email for now:

“IPCOR will be the first Irish, quality clinical registry, funded by the Irish Cancer Society and Movember that will contain population-based, clinical and patient-reported data of men diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is significant because it will not only provide evidence-based data to clinicians, hospitals and decision makers on prostate cancer clinical practice, but it will also foster and evaluate improved quality of treatment and care for men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer.” Dr Amanda Daly, Irish Cancer a Society Research Department.


We are delighted to support the Irish Cancer Society in this health outcomes initiative, which will give us important insights into the lived experience of men.  It’s an essential piece of research that will make a real difference to the lives of those affected by prostate cancer and we're proud that the Irish Movember community is able to help facilitate it. The research is testament to the Movember communities’ ongoing support and fundraising which is driving research that will have an everlasting impact on men's health in Ireland.


For more information visit IPCOR’s official website or email: info@ipcor.ie

Read more on the Irish Cancer Society’s IPCOR page .

Or read about it in the Irish Medical Times.