If someone was to ask you why do you Mo…. what would you say?
- Do you Mo for your father who’s life was taken too early by prostate cancer?
- Do you Mo for your cousin who had to face testicular cancer so young?
- Do you Mo because you live with cancer and want to inspire others to face it head on?
- Do you Mo so that one-day you can live in a world where no man dies of prostate cancer or testicular cancer?
We asked a few of our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world what motivates them to Mo…
Mo Bro Simon Quinn, USA
“I believe a significant power of Movember is its ability to remove the stigma and shame that goes along with a testicle or prostate examination. If I get one gentleman to see his doctor then I will feel like I've made a worthy impact. If I get 10 gentlemen, 50 gentlemen, 1,000 gentlemen, then I will feel proud beyond measure. I gave up my right nut for the chance to live cancer-free, and I am using this opportunity to spread the word that regular checkups are necessary.”
Mo Bro Matt Williams, Chiltern Mo Rider, Australia
“There was a genuine wave of involvement from around the town and people wanting to do their bit. What amazed me was it wasn’t just blokes getting behind it. There were a lot of ladies getting behind it as well. They know that their partner, their husband, their son may have an issue and the Mo Ride was a way of bringing it to the fore. People just wanted to be involved and make a difference, make a change.”
Mo Sista Jane Moran, London 2012 Olympic Medalist and Civil Engineer, Australia
"I had a very keen interest in Movember since 2007 because my dad died from prostate cancer. My dad was suffering silently for so long and because of that I was sure that many other people were also suffering along those lines. If I can hear that the number of conversations and the number of participants has increased every year, that’s an inspiration!"
Mo Bro Danny Bedingfield, New Zealand
“Movember gave me the power to get my message out even further. The moustache is a powerful beast, and one that creates changes in attitudes and behaviours.”
Mo Bro Adam Garone, CEO and Co-Founder, The Movember Foundation
“We Mo to build a world where men feel confident to take action when it comes to their health, helping change and save lives.”
So why do you Mo?
Sign up and let us know…
To find out more about how your Mo is changing the face of men’s health, check out our funded programmes for men’s health, prostate cancer, testicular cancer and global collaboration.