Halloween is a scary night, but it's just one day. Imagine a week of pushing your fears to the brink - imagine Halloweek!
Step up New York's NYsea and Ireland's big wave madmen, an intrepied group of surfers - each of them a Mo Bro - who took to Mullaghore Head in Ireland to tackle the biggest swells of the year over a week in late October. Halloween? Nothing to be scared of, it's just a day.
As they tamed the waves, nothing could phase this group. Clad in Halloween masks and surfing with rare skill, they had the power of the mo in their hearts and good times in their sights. The footage in the above video is testament to that.
Shot by Dylan Stott, the fundamental elements to this video are 'mates and good times'. This is the foundation of life. This is the foundation of Movember - have fun while doing good.
We're nearly half way through the furry month - the mo's are beginning to show their full force and the fun times are fast approaching. How are you going to celebrate?
Get out there. Get together with your fellow Mo Bros and Mo Sistas and enjoy the good times.
Take note from these Mo Bros, they know what they're doing.