I had known about Movember for a few years but had struggled in finding a way in which I could help out. I always wanted to do something but I wasn’t sure exactly what. When the idea of a Movember exhibition came up I thought it was the perfect opportunity to exercise my role as a Mo Sista. Movember is something that I hold dear as I lost an uncle to cancer when I was ten.
This year I got involved by running a poster exhibition with a few friends that has so far raised over €2,000. We invited 40 artists and creatives from all over Europe to submit a piece work based on the theme ‘Pass It On’, which was inspired by this year’s Movember creative. Doggett Printers in Dublin very kindly printed 10 copies of each piece free of charge which meant that every cent of the €10 we charged for the posters went to Movember.
There is only so much one person can do, so teamwork is very important. The team behind ‘Pass it On’ brought a lot of different skills to the table. We all came from a design background so we all pooled our resources together, selected our favourite artists and made sure we had a diverse range of people spanning all ages.
We pulled in favours from the likes of Doggett printers who printed all the designs sold on the night. Friends came down on the night and were roped into helping with the demand of people buying prints.
To ensure there was something for all the Mo Bros and Sistas who turned up on the night, the venue supplied food, Waldorf Barbers trimmed Mo Bros and the Mighty Bikes got on board giving a bike workshop for those who arrived by pedal power.
My advice to people looking to fundraise for this great cause would be start simple, do something that you’re good at and get your friends involved.
Behind every great Mo is a great Mo Sista!
Check out Orlaith's Mo Space