I’ve known about Movember for a few years and have always wanted to get involved, but this is the first year that I’ve registered and participated in the campaign.
Men’s health is often ignored in Ireland so I wanted to grow my Mo to create awareness for men’s health in general. However, when I saw on the website that 1 in 8 Irishmen get prostate cancer in their lifetime it really brought it home and inspired me to do everything I could to change the face of men’s health.
I find that the Mo itself does a lot of the work; I can’t walk down the street without being asked about it. It’s these face-to-face conversations that allow you to explain why you are growing the Mo and the importance of awareness and early detection. People’s reactions have amazed me in two ways: firstly, that there is still a lot of work to be done to educate men on their health, and secondly, the generosity and willingness of people in Sligo in their support Movember and Action Prostate Cancer.
The website, mobile app and my Facebook page have given me a platform to create wider awareness, showcase my Mo growing journey and get donations from friends and family. I’d advise Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to make the most of their Mo Space and the tools provided on the website to spread the message and get donations. It’s my school reunion on the night of the Sligo Gala, so hopefully we’ll have a few Mo’s by that stage. I’m also auctioning off the colour of my Mo on the night, so if you want to choose a colour make a donation to my Mo Space and post the colour you would like in the comments, the winner will be picked at random.
Mo on!
Check out Kev's Mo Space