It was Movember eve and the winds were blowing cold rain through the streets of Lahinch Co. Clare. Through the rain appeared Batman & Robin, followed by Spidey and everything else from Mrs. Doylesque tea ladies to Winnie the Pooh. All were heading down to the beach to join a plethora of fancy dressed fools for the inaugural Emerald Surfwear Movember Surf Morning. While the breeze was on-shore, men in drag were catching waves alongside Mexican wrestlers only to be taken out by marauding monkeys! Emerald also launched their Movember tees and Strike a Surf Pose competition where the best photo of a Mo Bro rocking a surf pose won a custom Movember board shaped by Big Wave legend Tom Doidge Harrison of DH Surfboards.
An apparition of Spinal Tap’s Nigel Tufnell appeared in Mo HQ telling us to “turn it up to 11, to 11, up to 11” before disappearing into the either like so many of the bands former drummers. It could only have meant one thing; the rock gods were telling us throw a Spinal Tap party on the 11th of the 11th, 2011 and with the help of The Sugar Club, a party we did throw! The night saw some amazing performances but the highlight was the air guitar competition where four talented Mo Bros went head to head to win a one-of-a-kind Movember Marshall amp. After disqualifying one Mo Bro for doing star-jumps in a mankini (no one should have to witness such a thing) the winner emerged to claim the prize and title of Movember Ireland Air Guitar Champion 2011. Definitely one for the grandchildren.

City walls in Dublin and Galway were transformed into Mo Masterpieces when street artists ‘JOR’ and ‘BAQSR’ took time out to donate their skills and raise awareness for Movember. The Bernard Shaw was transformed into a shrine to Movember when local graffiti artist JOR created a Mo Masterpiece entitled, ‘Mo Dawg’ along the 15 foot hoarding outside the bar.

Meanwhile across the country, Galway street artist BAQSR transformed a monumental 12 foot high and 100 foot wide wall on Galway’s Pump Lane into the world’s largest Mo-mural. Speaking about the MOmentous project BAQSR said, “Movember is a great cause and something that everybody should be aware of. It was great to get on board and create awareness for prostate cancer. The Movember wall took me six days to complete and I was delighted with the result.”

We were really proud to have Qantas come on board this year. Like Qantas, Movember also calls Australia home and so there was definitely a good synergy between the two organisations. The iconic Australian airline flew the Movember flag for us in a number of ways – including putting a moustache on the nose of a Boeing 737-800 – it was first for Movember in Australia and something that we’ve wanted to do since way back. The Sydney domestic Terminal also sported a giant Mo for the month – 10 feet long, there can’t have been many passengers who didn’t receive the Movember message on arrival.
No introduction was needed when Mr. Snoop Dogg got lyrical for Movember. The Dogg Father himself collaborated on an exclusive Snoop/Lancaster tee for Movember – with 20% of funds coming straight back to Movember. In addition, because of Snoop’s support, for the month of Movember Lancaster Ltd also donated 20% of any and all items purchased from Lancaster’s online store to Movember. Thanks Snoop, thanks Lancaster. Way to drop it like it’s hot.

In 2011, we turned onto the beaten track and went deep into the woods to pay homage to the rare, and often, secluded, country gentleman. Not always easy to unearth but during Moustache Season there was no better time to spot them in their natural environment. A country gentleman is instantly recognisable – he has a curiosity of the wilderness and a love for nature, a confidence of both himself and his surroundings and an appreciation for genuine craftsmanship; preferring a unique handmade piece over 100 mass produced items. Naturally, we wanted to prepare our Mo Bros and Mo Sista for their roam through the Movember wilderness, so throughout Movember we shared some of the codes and rules by which a country gent lives their life and profiled some talented craftsmen in our video series – The Craft & the Pride.
Here’s your opportunity to take a look back over the Season’s clips - view the series here.
The support we receive doesn’t just come from Ireland, this year we had a fine crop of supporters from around the world. They support us in a number of ways, whether it be growing a Mo, attending events, or giving us a shout out on Facebook or Twitter to their millions of followers. Their collective efforts have a huge impact on the campaign and we’re very proud and humbled to have had so many recognisable faces supporting us during Moustache Season in 2011. Just take a look at a few of the names who helped us spread the Movember message around the world this year – it reads like an entry in Who’s Who - Stephen Fry, Kevin Connolly, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Morgan Spurlock, Richie McCaw, Lance Armstrong, Adam Kleeberger, Malin Akerman, Brody Jenner, Foster the People, Kylie Minogue, George Michael, Barbie, Justin Beiber and Ricky Gervais.

The above is just a taster of some of the amazing Mo love that was shown across the country, and the world. We’re hugely grateful for all the support that was shown. We can’t wait to do it all again this year! Thank you to everyone who has come on board this year and helped us, once again, to achieve our most successful year to date.