27 October 2016

Fillit.ie connects people looking for venues/spaces to put on memorable events (Mo Events included) with the landlords who have them to rent out.

Fiilit Makes Mo Event Hosting a Breeze
Fillit.ie connects people looking for temporary venues/spaces with the landlords who want to rent them out. And they’re kindly asking the landlords on their “books” to do a huge discount for Mo Bros and Sistas looking to host their own event this Movember. 

Fillit is a great idea: there are lots of owners of spaces (restaurants, private cinemas, warehouses etc.) who don't have the spaces booked all the time.Their online platform connects them with people looking to host a unique and bespoke event. It's a win-win model. 

Check out the video of the recent Gentleman's Academy/Fillit Mo Event - a private screening at the Denzille Cinema, Dublin:

Pronounced FILL-IT, the site encourages people to think outside the box when it comes to rent-able space. Anything from a cinema, to a pub, community centre or small shelf in a café can be listed as a ‘Mo Host Space’, providing limitless options for people to get creative with fundraising. Starting in November, people will be able to search through ‘Mo Host Spaces’ on the Fillit website and pitch their fundraising ideas directly to the Landlord, who can either accept or decline through the site with no obligation.

“One of the biggest challenges for people when it comes to hosting an event is finding the right space and covering the rental cost,” says John Carroll, Founder of Fillit. “By enlisting the help of communities and providing a platform to list spaces, we’re hoping to inspire people to do something different and ‘Stop Men Dying Too Young’.”

Hosting your own Mo Event is great way to raise funds for Movember. You should find plenty of venue inspiration on the Fillit website.