Golden Discs have been very good over the years. This year they will be supporting Movember by donating €2 to the Movember Foundation for every person that signs up in one of their many stores around the country. Whether you're into hip-hop, rock and roll or are into drum and bass - they have everything you need to make these all important last couple of weeks the best they can be.
Head over to Golden Discs and grab your favourite tracks. Why not get a playlist together and make sure that any events or Movember celebrations that you are attending or hosting have a suitable atmosphere?
Maybe even get a jump on your Christmas shopping (yes, we used the dreaded ‘C’ word)? Golden Discs are locally grown, just like us. Support them. Support Movember.

15 October 2015
The good people at Golden Discs, Movember Ireland’s longest-standing Major Partner, are putting their money where their Mo’s are again this year.
Golden Discs - Our Golden Goose