Physical inactivity has become a big deal. It’s the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, causing 3.2 million deaths globally. The situation in this country does not make for good reading - according to a recent World Health Organisation report, Ireland is currently set to become the most obese country in Europe by 2030, with the proportion of obese and overweight men in Ireland projected to rise to 89 per cent.
The aim of Moga, in line with MOVE, is to encourage folks to take better care of their health by being more active and to raise funds for our men’s health programmes, and our initiatives with the Irish Cancer Society. Thanks to Vita Coco for helping us make Moga happen this year.
2015’s Moga course has been designed by Sinead O’Connor – it’s dynamic flowing sequence that challenges strength, flexibility, stamina while focusing, grounding and relaxing the mind.
In this sequence there is also an emphasis on understanding how yoga is a wonderful tool to develop and maintain a positive mental state.
Courses start in October and here’s what you’ll gain:
- A fully-rounded yoga sequence guided by leading yoga teachers
- Challenge your strength and flexibility
- Rest, de-stress and improve sleep
- Breathing techniques to ground, focus and still the mind
- Develop a positive state of mind
- Motivation to move and make positive change
- Experience higher levels of physical health and well-being
- An opportunity to balance your personal and professional life
Mo Bros and Mo Sistas should sign up for an 8-week Moga course at a participating studio (see list below).

Participating Studios:
Yoga Lounge, Greystones Yoga, Elbow Room, Innit, The Yoga Room, Ennis Yoga, Yoga Shala, Yoga Loft, Douglas Yoga, Bikram Cork, Yoga Worx, Bikram Limerick, Satayoga, House of Yoga Waterford,
Yoga Boann, Yoga Zone, Earthwise Yoga, Himalayan Valley Centre, Wicklow Yoga, Yoga Sacred Space, Blackhill Woods Retreat, Bikram Yoga Athlone, Emma Power Yoga and Hush Yoga.